The Charities Trying To Solve Water Crises In India

Water is the most important resource in the world, and it is quickly becoming scarce. Southern California is seeing a very serious drought and may be out of water in the next few years. But there are many people throughout the world that haven’t had access to clean drinking water for their entire lives. More than 10% of people throughout the world don’t have access to clean drinking water. In India, 9% of people lack access to clean water despite the rapidly growing economy. According to the World Bank, 21% of communicable diseases result from dirty water.

Clean India Water Resource

But there are many charities that are trying to solve this very problem in some innovative ways. Here are some of those charities.

By working with partners and stakeholders in each community, is able to create long-term solutions to water crises. works in communities in 11 different states in India, both rural and urban.


Charity:Water is all about water technology. By leveraging the newest technology available and some old and effective technologies, the charity is able to help the India’s poor improve their health.

Columbia Water Center (CWC)

The CWC is affiliated with Columbia University and has contributed a lot of research on the problem of water access in India. They are working with Indian officials to address the problem on a macro scale.


The Straw, which has helped countless of poor communities across the world drink clean water from disease ridden water, is a WaterIsLife product. They also teach hygiene to poor communities.

Just A Drop

Just A Drop works with state and local governments in India to implement smart, targeted water programs for India villages. By working with governments and other NGOs they have had many successful campaigns.

The Water Project

The Water Project takes a holistic approach to water conservation in India to help long-term availability and to help Indians take advantage of the water resources that are available.